People crave community and connection with nature. We feel alive when we experience conviviality with each other and the living world: this is a life positive experience. LIFE POSITIVE DESIGN pursues human well-being by bringing the emotions and sensation of being in nature inside the retail-built environment, reversing the status quo of a built experience that separates humans from nature and one another. A clean and safe retail space to convene is not sufficient to motivate people to come back to a store or a mall. People seek community. People need to reconnect with each other and bring nature back into their lives in deeply meaningful and healthy ways. LIFE POSITIVE DESIGN creates spaces that allow people to embrace the joy of living and gathering in blissful, regenerative surroundings.
Retail is a universal and ubiquitous commercial activity, driving civic prosperity by being at the core of a community. In retail, profitability is paramount. LIFE POSITIVE DESIGN goes beyond operational efficiencies, financial performance, customer engagement, and Return on Experience (ROE), durability, and cost-control, with a circular economy approach that creates value during and even beyond the life cycle of the store. A prosperous and responsible performance affects the financial and social well-being of a community: it is a platform for a positive impact on the natural environment and the vitality of a neighborhood and a city.
A LIFE POSITIVE DESIGN approach identifies solutions for design, construction, and operations that use energy efficiently and keep materials flowing in a productive value cycle, with ideally no waste production. It optimizes resources and energy, building with materials, processes, and systems that are consciously reflecting local natural lessons. This approach to material selection and circular use of resources is critical for a design that positively integrates with life in place and humanity. Technology plays an important role in the research and development of life positive materials and their cycles of use: produce, consume, decompose. Biomimetic cutting-edge innovations are developed and utilized in life positive projects to achieve circularity.
Connection to place is about respectful relationships and positive integration with the environment. It is an invitation to re-imagine built spaces that are in harmony with their natural, cultural, social, and economic context. Life is locally attuned and responsive. The diversity of plants, insects, birds, the intensity of light, the colors, the climate, and topography in each ecosystem can inspire designs that contribute to differentiate and enhance the uniqueness of any retail brand. Local traditions, rituals, patterns, and lifestyles can inform a design that is the expression of a brand in place. The store will touch the ground lightly, not disturbing the ecosystem and the existing life conditions, but instead engage in a symbiotic relationship, complementing and expressing the beauty and dynamics of nature, fitting in place positively. Our biophilic design beliefs guide the pursuit of an aesthetic of place: colors, textures, materials, intensity of light, are expressed within the culture and ecology of place.
The wide adoption of technology can expand the customers’ decision journeys and open innovative ways to reformulate brand loyalties and experiences while further broadening commercial opportunities. Nowadays customers expect transparency and accountability, knowing that what they chose to consume promotes harmony with nature. Connectivity, touchless operations, AI + IoT + VR + Automation are applied to create a cohesive digital journey that is engaging, fun, safe, and specific to the brand’s purpose and identity.
Since the beginning of history, people have been compelled to tell their stories, express their feelings, and pass on life events via graphic gestures of complex variety. Art is integral to LIFE POSITIVE DESIGN as it is the most powerful vehicle to communicate the joy of life and the reconnection with nature. Art stimulates emotions and triggers sensations of delight, belonging, positivity, beauty, harmony, happiness, contentment, memory, aspirations – synthesis of all we love in one visual gesture.
Art is handcrafted, skillful, and intimate. It keeps pace with our time, and it is also sentimental. Art communicates relevant meaning and stimulates emotions that resonate. It brings beauty and thoughtfulness, creating an atmosphere that is memorable and sought after.
Art is the experience within the experience of LIFE POSITIVE DESIGN. It is the ultimate, exhilarating, powerful, and positive message of nature, humanity, circularity that brings unique and locally attuned distinction to the retail brand.